WooCommerce Checkout for Digital Goods


– 06 Nov 2023

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the user info update button on the thank you page

  • enhancement

    Plugin UI enhancement

  • enhancement

    Plugin compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)

  • enhancement

    Plugin compatibility with PHP 8.2.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.2.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.3.x


– 24 July 2023

  • enhancement

    Corrected plugin wrong links

  • enhancement

    Quick fix related to the Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 7.9.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.2.x


– 24 Nov 2022

  • bug fix

    Update button on review order check condition with WooCommerce setting

  • new

    Introduce Import/Export of general settings

  • enhancement

    New UI introduces

  • enhancement

    Security patch

  • enhancement

    Change chosen JS to select2 JS

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 7.1.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.1.x


– 11 March 2022

  • enhancement

    Security patch

  • enhancement

    Review block design

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 6.3.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.9.x


– 28 Dec 2021

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 6.0.x


– 21 Oct 2021

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixed related to Loco Translate

  • enhancement

    UI Enhancement

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.8.x


– 03 Aug 2021

  • new

    Allow to update the billing information on thank you page

  • enhancement

    Compatible with Woocommerce Subscription Product Plugin

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.5.x


– 09 July 2021

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.7.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.4.x


– 25 Nov 2020

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixed


– 12 Nov 2020

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.5.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.7.x


– 20 Aug 2020

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.5.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.4.x


– 27 May 2020

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.4.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.1.x


– 04 Feb 2020

  • bug fix

    woocommerce_enable_order_notes_field return_false filter when unset order comments

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 3.9.x


– 10 Dec 2019

  • new

    Quick checkout button display on Shop page

  • new

    Quick checkout button display on Single Product Page

  • new

    Quick checkout on : All downloadable and/or virtual products

  • new

    Quick checkout on : Items in the “Quick Checkout List” only

  • new

    Customers fill in the additional fields after the payment

  • new

    Delayed account creation

  • new

    Restrict with User Role

  • new

    Layout Structure

  • enhancement

    VIP minimum

  • enhancement

    Compatible with Freemius