Flat Rate Shipping Plugin For WooCommerce


2 April 2024

  • bug fix

    User role Conditional rule with multiple rules

  • bug fix

    Duplicate shipping method does not apply on the front

  • enhancement

    Added WPML translation support for shipping methods

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.4.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.7.x


1 January 2024

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixes

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.4.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.4.x


28 December 2023

  • bug fix

    Notation differs than WC core then breaks cart page

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixes

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.4.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.4.x


6 December 2023

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes City based shipping rules

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.4.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.3.x


– 22 August 2023

  • bug fix

    Double time applied tax on force all shipping method option

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.3.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.0.x


– 24 July 2023

  • new

    Add “Only equals to” condition for shipping class in the Shipping Method Rules section

  • new

    Advanced Shipping Price Rules – Add “Cost on Tag”

  • new

    Advanced Shipping Price Rules – Add “Cost on Tag Subtotal”

  • new

    Advanced Shipping Price Rules – Add “Cost on Tag Weight”

  • new

    Advanced Shipping Price Rules – Add “Cost on Shipping Class”

  • new

    Advanced Shipping Price Rules – Add “Cost on Shipping Class Weight”

  • new

    Advanced Shipping Price Rules – Add “Cost on Product Attribute”

  • new

    Ability to duplicate rows in advanced shipping price rules

  • new

    Conditional rule – width, height, length, volume and last order total options

  • new

    Shipping will apply for first user order option

  • enhancement

    Plugin compatibility with Auto shipping plugin

  • enhancement

    Ability to search and select variable products in Free Shipping – Product field

  • enhancement

    Exclude product list from the free shipping calculation

  • enhancement

    Now master setting moved from listing page to Settings -> General settings

  • enhancement

    New design implementation

  • bug fix

    Minor bugs

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.2.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 7.9.x


– 21 December 2022

  • enhancement

    Security Release

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the weight and quantity and make compatible with WPClever Composite Products for the WooCommerce plugin

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the duplicate a shipping method

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the recurring subscription total calculation

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the fatal error on switching to the other language.

  • enhancement

    Compatible with PHP 8

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.1.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 7.2.x


– 27 July 2022

  • bug fix

    Variable product price issue for product-specific subtotal rule

  • bug fix

    HTML shows up on minimum shipping message

  • bug fix

    Simple product attribute rule not working

  • bug fix

    Plugin compatibility with WPC Composite Products for WooCommerce Plugin

  • bug fix

    Use of deprecated jQuery code causes undefined behavior

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixes

  • enhancement

    Security enhancement

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.0.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 6.7.x


– 11 May 2022

  • enhancement

    Update UI changes

  • new

    Admin: Shipping method searching feature

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixes

  • bug fix

    Bundle product quantity calculation issue

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.9.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with Woocommece 6.5.x


– 14 Apr 2022

  • bug fix

    Fixed issue related to the blank screen once editing pages or posts

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.9.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with Woocommece 6.4.x


– 22 Feb 2022

  • bug fix

    Minor cart packages related changes

  • bug fix

    Pagination conflict with the ordering of shipping method list

  • bug fix

    Multisite activation issue

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.9.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with Woocommece 6.2.x


– 28 Dec 2021

  • new

    Set pagination for shipping method list

  • new

    Added filter for change the free shipping cart notice message

  • bug fix

    Import/export feature not working with shipping class

  • bug fix

    Free shipping cart notice not working with zone rule

  • enhancement

    Allow customer to select shipping provider from Germanized plugin settings

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with Woocommece 5.6.x


– 15 Nov 2021

  • new

    Introduce a new type in the tooltip as the subtitle to the shipping method

  • new

    Cart Subtotal(Product Specific) which apply shipping rule to specific product subtotal instead of entire cart Subtotal

  • new

    Cart contains Products (Only) which only apply shipping rule when only specific product in cart not allow other in cart

  • new

    Allow customer to select WooCommerce zone in rules along with plugin zone

  • enhancement

    Minor design change in the settings page

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WOOCS – WooCommerce Currency Switcher

  • enhancement

    Compatible with CheckoutWC By Objectiv

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with Woocommece 5.9.x


– 28 Sep 2021

  • new

    Allow customer to force select a shipping method during checkout

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixed related to bundle product

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with Woocommece 5.7.x


– 06 May 2021

  • new

    Each additional weigh shipping rule

  • new

    Each additional quantity shipping rule

  • new

    Allow free shipping rules based on products

  • new

    Shipping Rate by City

  • new

    Shipping Zone by City

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.7.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with Woocommece 5.2.x


– 05 March 2021

  • bug fix

    Class ‘AFRSM_Shipping_Method’ not found


– 02 March 2021

  • new

    Allow free shipping rules based on minimum order amount

  • new

    Allow free shipping rules based on coupan order amount

  • new

    Apply Free shipping rule before coupon discount

  • new

    Display the notice with the amount of price left to free shipping

  • new

    Hide other shipping method when free shipping is available

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.0.x


– 22 Jan 2021

  • new

    Option to show shipping method only for logged in users

  • new

    Option to set default shipping method selected

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixing

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.9.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.6.x


– 05 Jan 2021


– 16 Dec 2020

  • new

    Integrate Trial Version

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixing ( Link Changes )


– 14 Dec 2020

  • bug fix

    Tag based rules not working

  • bug fix

    Category rules not working

  • bug fix

    Multi site activation issue

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.6.x


– 01 Dec 2020

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.7.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.5.x


– 07 Aug 2020

  • bug fix

    Price was not displaying on tooltip when select forceall option

  • bug fix

    Cart contains category product issue with variable products in apply per qty section

  • bug fix

    Shipping class issue with variable product – When change variation for variable product to virtual

  • enhancement

    Shipping tax issue in cart, checkout, order and admin order side – When select forceall shipping with separate shipping optionmethod option always displaying the force all shipping price in order detail page


– 08 July 2020

  • bug fix

    Forceall with separate shipping method option always displaying the force all shipping price in order detail page

  • bug fix

    On master settings one select Separate shipping method option tax not calculating

  • bug fix

    Once small postcode added on the checkout page then, postcode rule does not working

  • new

    Added new option in Product specific section with product specific quantity range shipping method rules


– 14 April 2020

  • bug fix

    Once shipping price more than 1,000 than price format issue

  • bug fix

    Admin order once update the order status tax value removed once force all shpping selected

  • bug fix

    Additional quantity with product based option and once selected the tags than calculating the wrong charges

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.0.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.4.x


– 24 Mar 2020

  • bug fix

    Incl tax issue with forceall option fixed

  • bug fix

    Variable products and size attributes with quantity per product does not working issue resolved


– 28 Jan 2020

  • bug fix

    Forceall shipping issue with separate shipping method

  • bug fix

    Order of the rules are not same when we export and import the rules in different server

  • bug fix

    JSON Validation

  • bug fix

    Migration issue in zone

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 3.9.x


– 28 Nov 2019

  • bug fix

    Deactivate plugin automatically when deactivate WooCommerce in free plugin

  • bug fix

    Cart Contain Product allow variable products


– 19 Nov 2019

  • new

    Import Export shipping method with json file

  • new

    Import Export shipping zone with json file

  • new

    Deactivate plugin automatically when deactivate WooCommerce

  • bug fix

    Freemius for both plugin free and pro

  • bug fix

    Long Product name cut down in shipping method

  • bug fix

    Fraction number should be same format in forceall

  • bug fix

    Shipping method order has been changed after edit shipping

  • bug fix

    Forceall shipping issue on order thankyou page

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 3.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.3.x


– 09 Oct 2019

  • enhancement

    Compatible with hide shipping

  • bug fix

    WPML Compatible with plugin’s meta field

  • bug fix

    Zone issue – two condition in same row (is equal to and is not equal to)

  • bug fix

    UK based shipping zone postcode format (use equal to(=) instead of space)

  • bug fix

    Zone Migration

  • new

    Custom text for forceall shipping

  • new

    New option for forceall shipping Like – Combine all shipping plugin’s into one, Combine default WooCommerce and our plugins, and Combine shipping only our plugins

  • new

    Max qty/weight/subtotal validation in admin side

  • new

    AND/OR rule in General Shipping Rule

  • new

    AND/OR rule in Particular advance shipping rule

  • new

    Advance shipping cost based on Category subtotal

  • new

    Advance shipping cost based on Product subtotal

  • new

    Advance shipping cost based on Shipping class subtotal

  • new

    Use max_fee shortcode in price

  • new

    Unique name for shipping title (Admin Purpose only)


– 18 Sept 2019

  • bug fix

    Tooltip Issue


– 17 Sept 2019

  • enhancement

    VIP minimum – Included with all version

  • enhancement

    WPML Compatible

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 3.7


– 23 July 2019

  • bug fix

    Virtual product rules considering in shipping condition issue has been resolved for Advance pricing rules

  • bug fix

    Tax amount does not display in shipping amount for multilanguage issue has been fixed

  • bug fix

    After three characters product search in Advanced Shipping Price Rules section issue has been fixed


– 16 July 2019

  • bug fix

    Tax amount does not display in shipping amount issue has been fixed

  • bug fix

    Force all ‘n’ character display issue has been fixed

  • bug fix

    Force all amount decimal only 1 number display issue has been fixed

  • bug fix

    Force all shipping amount within label display without tax issue has been fixed

  • bug fix

    After Apply Per Quantity shipping charges cart contain product rule set after first position issue has been fixed


– 01 July 2019

  • enhancement

    Compatible with Freemius SDK version 2.3.0


– 28 May 2019

  • enhancement

    Compatible with PHP version 7.3.5

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.2.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 3.6.x


– 21 May 2019

  • enhancement

    Compatible with PHP version 7.2.10

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 3.6.3


– 15 May 2019

  • bug fix

    Decimal allow in weight section

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixing (Some time shipping method is not displaying)


– 14 May 2019

  • bug fix

    Display message for cart subtotal after the discount rule

  • bug fix

    Solved warning when user apply rule (Cart Subtotal (After Discount) ($))

  • bug fix

    Variable product’s list is not displaying properly: Resolved

  • bug fix

    Validation in the admin side. (When user select apply per qty and also check advance pricing rules then validation message will display)

  • bug fix

    Blocker image is not displaying in the admin side – Resolved

  • bug fix

    Some character consistency in the admin side

  • enhancement

    Change text in admin side for Advance Pricing Rules

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.2


– 30 April 2019

  • enhancement

    Change text in admin side for Advance Pricing Rules


– 29 April 2019

  • new

    Advance Pricing Rules: Cost per Product with multiple selections

  • new

    Advance Pricing Rules: Cost per Category with multiple selections

  • new

    Advance Pricing Rules: Cost per Total Cart Qty

  • new

    Advance Pricing Rules: Cost per Product Weight with multiple selections

  • new

    Advance Pricing Rules: Cost per Category Weight with multiple selections

  • new

    Advance Pricing Rules: Cost per Total Cart Weight

  • new

    Duplicate Shipping Method

  • new

    Enable/Disable Shipping Status in the list section

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.1.1 and WooCommerce 3.6.2


– 05 April 2019

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixing


– 27 March 2019

  • bug fix

    Fixed minor issue and default Advanced pricing section are off


– 12 Dec 2018

  • bug fix

    Minor issue fix with cost per product and cost per category


– 04 Dec 2018

  • new

    Advanced Pricing Rules for Cost per category – (With this option, you can charge shipping cost by each category. you can set up min/max condition and a cost that will be added to the total shipping cost.)

  • new

    Advanced Pricing Rules for Cost per product – (With this option, you can charge shipping cost per product. you can set up min/max quantity conditions and a cost that will be added to the total shipping cost.)


– 11 July 2018

  • bug fix

    Fix vulnerable plugin issue

  • enhancement

    Check Compatibility WordPress 4.9.x and WooCommerce 3.4.x


– 11 July 2018

  • bug fix

    Most expensive shipping class issue resolved

  • enhancement

    Check Compatibility WordPress 4.9.x and WooCommerce 3.3.x


– 28 May 2018

  • bug fix

    Normal bug fix


– 25 April 2018

  • bug fix

    Normal bug fix

  • enhancement

    Compatibility with WordPress version 4.9.x


– 12 Feb 2018

  • enhancement

    Check Compatibility WordPress 4.9.x and WooCommerce 3.3.x


– 24 Jan 2018

  • bug fix

    Fix WPML Compatibility all rules

  • bug fix

    Fix Cart Update Issue resolve

  • bug fix

    Fix PHP error notice

  • bug fix

    Fix Coupon Code rules issue

  • new

    Apply Per Quantity (Cart based / Product based)

  • new

    Variable product wise shipping method


– 15 Dec 2017

  • bug fix

    Fix Coupon Shipping method issue

  • bug fix

    Fix Cart Update issue

  • bug fix

    Fix Shipping class issue in multi-language


– 05 Oct 2017

  • bug fix

    Fixed version update issue


– 26 Sep 2017

  • new

    Create Dynamic Rules & check conditions as per your requirements only

  • new

    New parameter Cart subtotal (After discount)

  • new

    When you set the conditions for cart subtotal (After discount) then it will work based on the remaining amount after applying a coupon code to cart subtotal.

  • enhancement

    User-friendly New UI

  • enhancement

    Very lightweight as compared to an old version

  • enhancement

    Loading time is very less as compare to the previous one


– 13 June 2017

  • enhancement

    Tooltip display updated

  • enhancement

    WordPress 4.8 compatible


– 05 May 2017

  • enhancement

    WPML Multicurrency support added

  • enhancement

    Plugin is fully compatible with WPML


– 17 April 2017

  • bug fix

    Fixed Order Amount, Quantity, Weight drop-down selection issue

  • enhancement

    More compatible with WooCommerce version 3.0.x


– 05 April 2017

  • bug fix

    Fixed specific coupon bug

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 3.0


– 07 March 2017

  • bug fix

    Fixed Bugs: Force all shipping methods: Individual shipping rates doesn’t include tax in cart (when enabled in WooCommerce settings)

  • enhancement

    Global setting: Exclude virtual items


– 02 Feb 2017

  • bug fix

    Fixed Bugs

  • new

    New Master setting – Force All shipping methods

  • enhancement

    Added Sorting feature Shipping Methods

  • enhancement

    Check Compatibility WP4.7 and WooCommerce 2.6.x


– 27 Oct 2016

  • new

    Global rule in case of multiple shipping methods available in cart(Allow customer to choose / Apply highest / Apply lowest)

  • new

    Set estimated delivery time for each shipping method

  • enhancement

    Schedule the availability of your shipping method

  • enhancement

    Set flexible conditional rules for shipping method created based on Product, Category, Tag, SKU (In / Not In)

  • enhancement

    Set flexible conditional rules for shipping method created based on Coupon, Quantity, Order Amount(Greater than / Less than / Between)


– 14 Sep 2016

  • bug fix

    Normal bug fixed

  • enhancement

    Increase the plugin performance


– 29 June 2016

  • new

    Implement New Zone feature

  • enhancement

    Enhanced Plugin Design layout


– 17 June 2016

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 2.6.1


– 06 June 2016

  • bug fix

    Fixes PHP notices

  • enhancement

    Implement New Languages (German, French, Polish)

  • enhancement

    Increase the plugin performance

  • enhancement

    Categories list in option improved


– 30 May 2018

  • bug fix

    Shipping Package Issue


– 04 May 2018

  • bug fix

    Fixed one minor bug

  • new

    “Flat Rate Shipping Method apply Forcefully for particular product” – (Note: For a special request from customers. We have introduced a new feature into our plugin)